Thursday, January 29, 2009


I am sure many are already familiar with this crazy place. Many of my friends have been telling me to try it out claiming it is really fun. I decided to try it out since I didn't think I would like blogging and now am addicted. Anyways Jon was out with the boys last night so I decided to try it while I had some time. I can honestly say it is the most ADDICTING thing ever. I was amazed that right when I signed up it showed ton of people out I would know by my profile popped up. I have been playing ever since. I can't believe how many people I have known through my life that I have been able to find and link to. Jon came home and I showed him. He signed up and has not quit since. (He has a lot more friends than me, everyone wants to be his friend!) I have to beg people to be my friend :) I always thought it was something for single people but oh no everyone is on it. The worst part is I have facebook on my phone so I can play everywhere I go. It is really fun to look through. WARNING: It is a HUGe time waster though. I am sure the newness of it will wear off but for now I am having a blast!! If anyone is on facebook now be my friend! Jon has way more friends than me!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bedtime Stories and Babies!

For family night we took our kids to see Bedtime Stories with our neighbors the Hildebrands. The kids wore their pajamas since it was Bedtime stories. (kinda gross I know but they loved it!) It was so much fun even to two year olds had a blast. The funny story about the Hildebrands is Jill the mom and Jon are like second cousins. All of our kids are within months of the same age. The kids are dead set that they are cousins. It is really cute especially since our kids cousins are all tiny. Ryker and Spencer are just the best of friends but everyone at school knows them as cousins. You cannot tell them any different. We have finally let them be and they couldn't be happier. These are the coolest neighbors ever. The kind that is always there for you no matter what. We love them so much!!

I had an appointment yesterday with perinatology. I guess twins are considered high risk pregnancy so I will be seeing them regularly the rest of the time. I was really nervous to go. I used to be the person that believed stuff happens to other people not us. Ever since Kamryn got diagnosed I have turned into the person that thinks that anything can happen. I hate it. Anyways I was trying to prepare myself all week to be ready for not great news. I have heard the higher risk of birth defects and congenital abnormalities with twins so I have definitely had it on my mind. The appointment couldnt have gone better. They are both perfect (so far). They did an hour long ultrasound of them and looked at EVERYTHING they could. Yes they are still boys but at this point I am so happy they are healthy it is all good!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Miss January

Every year the Utah Diabetes Clinic does a calendar with 12 kids who have diabetes. The purpose of the calendar is to show that diabetes doesn't have to slow kids down. Each child is on a different month and it tells about what they do and also how they are doing managing their diabetes. Kamryn was obviously selected this year as Miss January. I know it is hard to read what it says so I will tell ya...........

"Kamryn loves learning to read in kindergarten. She has a dog, a cat, and a hamster, and in her free time enjoys dancing, tumbling and playing with friends. Kamryn has an older and younger brother. She is proud that she has started doing her own finger pokes and is learning how to do insulin shots. Keep doing a great job at managing your diabetes, Kamryn!"

Needless to say our calendar will stay on January all year. We are so proud of how well she is managing her diabetes even though it has made her grow up a little more than she probably wanted to. We are hoping to get her an insulin pump within the next month or two so she will not have to have all of these shots. It has been a year since she has been diagnosed and it has been a roller coaster ride. It is really just part of our lives now and we just go on as normal (as much as we can!)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Vaseline and Marley

Last year Tarek got into a bottle of vaseline that was in our bathroom. For some reason he smeared nearly the whole bottle in his hair. We quickly learned the more you try to wash it out, the more it just smears in the hair. It is impossible to get out. We were desperate because he was just a big grease ball. Thank goodness for google. Believe it or not if you google "vaseline removal from hair" you really get good results. We learned that if you put LOTS of cornstarch in the hair with the vaseline and let it absorb it, it does come out. This takes a couple of washings and applications of cornstarch. The hair is still greasy for about a week but MUCH better. The reason I am writing this is because Tarek found the vaseline 2 times since then and put it in his hair (I thought we hid it well). I posted this because I caught him this week sneaking in his room with it behind his back. I have no idea what his fascination is with this but it is HORRIBLE stuff. This is to all who have kids that do random crazy stuff. (Which is everyone!) Also we went and saw "Marley and Me" yesterday which was the biggest mistake EVER. It was really a great show (thanks Connie for getting us together!) But for some reason I cry about everything lately (pregnancy ugh) this show had me bawling! I started to laugh because I couldnt quit crying and it sounded like I was crying out loud. Luckily I was holding my cute nephew Rylan so I just left. I didnt even watch the end. I loved the show they just made the end SO SAD even though you knew it was coming. Just dont go emotional or prego!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My HOT Date.....

I went out with a hot young guy last night!! Ryker and I had the whole night out which does not happen enough. My friend Brittany and I bought tickets for Ryker and her son Kaleb to "Walking with the Dinosaurs" for Christmas. Ryker has been obsessed with dinosaurs since he could talk so we have been really excited to go. Last night was the big night. We went to dinner then went down to Energy Solutions to see the show. It was pretty funny because I think we had the worst seats ever. We got a good laugh. Luckily the dinosaurs were HUGE so we could see just fine. The show was absolutely amazing. It went through the triassic, jurassic, and cretaceous periods with very big realistic looking dinosaurs from each of these times. I have to admit that Ryker knew much more about the dinos and era's than me he taught me quite a bit. Anyways it was really fun to get Ryker to myself for a full night. We had a blast. Thanks Ryker for being the sweetest hottest date ever!! I couldnt get good pics due to the "close" seats we had, so I got a couple of short video clips I will attach. I love ya Ryker thanks for the great night!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ITS A..........

We had a Dr. apt today. We decided to take our kids so they could see the babies for the first time and we knew he would be able to tell us the sex. Within 2 min of the ultrasound he told Kamryn he was sorry to tell her that she was having two more brothers! AAAHHHH!! It is not what we were hoping for (how do you raise 4 boys?). I feel like it is some cruel joke that we were trying for one more girl and instead I was BLESSED with two boys. I know we will get excited we just need time to let it sink in. I just need a day or two to sulk. Kamryn had a hard time too, she has always wanted a little sister. I am very lucky to have the cute girl I do have!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Little Laker.....

Kamryn did a cheerleading clinic this week at Bonneville. It was kind of crazy going back to the ol' high school. I don't think I have been there since graduation which was a LONG time ago. It was pretty amazing to me how many familiar faces there were with their little ones doing the same thing. Jon and I walked around one night and we both have so many memories of that place. Our kids couldn't believe there were football pictures of their dad right in the hall. Funny walk back through memory lane. Can't say as I would ever want to go back though! Maybe if we could go to taco maker every day again (right Kris and Suz?! :) Anyways Kamryn got to perform at half time at the Basketball game Friday and thought it was the greatest thing ever. She was so proud and did a great job! I am so proud of her!! She is too cute!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun in the SNOW!!

Jon and I finally took the kids sledding the other day. The kids were having a blast. Tarek took a minute to warm up, he soon figured out if he slid down on his bum he could go all the way down (slippery pants) but not too fast. Of course we would have to hike down and bring him back up. Kamryn enjoyed doing her own thing as long as we would watch. Of course our adventurous Ryker found the biggest jump on the hill. About two minutes after I took this picture, Ryker grabbed the big tube Jon is sitting on, and jumped on face first toward the jump. He hit the jump lots of air, and POP! The tube popped while he was still in the air. He was fine but we had a great laugh. Needless to say we were done after that. Good times, Good times!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Here We Go!!!

Alright so the blog is finally getting started. I am still learning so hopefully it will look better as time goes on!! This is the Jensen family blog. I know most people know that it is called the Jensen "7" because holy cow there are twins on the way! Yes we are still trying really hard to get over the shock, hey there is still plenty of time right? We will hopefully find out definite the sex of these kids next week so we will keep ya posted! This is our most recent family picture which is not our favorite but its all we have at the minute. Enjoy!!!