Monday, May 25, 2009

Cache and Cai are here!

Yes they are finally here, actually a week ago just getting around to posting some pics.
Cache Dylan and Cai Justin were born May 18. Cache weighted 5'9 and Cai weighed 5'7. I had to have a c-section because they were breech. My water broke at 2:45 in the morning and they were born at 6:15 and 6:17. We feel so blessed because they were only 35 weeks and neither had to go to the NICU. They are both healthy and so dang cute!! This is our first family picture of the "SEVEN" of us. pretty crazy, yeah that is Ryker being himself. Tarek is not so sure about the whole baby thing, he just kinda ignores them but is nice to them. The other two are smitten.
They are definitely fraternal. They look nothing alike at all it is pretty funny. Cache (left) is kind of the black sheep of our family he doesnt look like the other kids really at all. He has tons of dark hair. It makes it nice to be able to tell them apart so easily.
This is right after we had them. I was totally drugged and couldn't believe we really just had two babies. Jon was awesome taking care of me and making sure the babies were ok. It all happened so fast and unexpected that we were so happy everything worked out and went well.


  1. They are SOOOOO beautiful! I love the pictures. Congratulations to all of you!

  2. Traci I can't believe they are here!!! Sorry I haven't called I just found out about them a few days after you had them because of Jon's facebook!!! Thank heavens for facebook so nice when you are crazy busy!!! I am so glad everyone is happy and healthy!! They are SO stinkin cute!!! I would like to come and see them when you get settled in. I will call you. Thanks for posting pictures it was great to see the whole family!!! Love ya tons XOXO

  3. Congratulations to you both! They are both so beautiful! I hope recovery is going okay for you Traci. It does get better eventually. Em

  4. NOBODY CALLED ME!?! It's okay though :) I'm sure that it's been total chaos! I'm SO happy for you! They are SO CUTE! I will get with Michelle and we'll come visit soon. Please call me if you need ANYTHING! Congrats guys!

  5. Congrats you guys! Cutest twins EVER!

  6. They are adorable. Congratulations! I am glad that you guys are keeping up with us! Only one more to go!!! Hope you are feeling good Traci and getting lots of sleep!!!!!!

  7. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! I'm so happy for you guys! I honestly wanted to drop in on you guys this last weekend to see those adorable little guys! (We were visiting my parents.) But I thought I'd give you a little time to settle in! I hope everything is going well and that those boys are being nice to you! They are absolutely darling!

  8. Congrats to you and John. Your little guys are adorable. I am so happy everything went well for you. Good luck in the days ahead. You have a beautiful family.

  9. Oh my heck You guys they are so cute I love them!! I can not wait to see them!
